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Ellen Galinsky

The Breakthrough Years: A New Scientific Framework for Raising Thriving Teens

Virtual Event

“Just wait until your kids are teenagers!” We have all heard some form of this universal warning about the stressful phase of adolescence, but it doesn’t have to be that way.

Child development authority Ellen Galinsky comes to GPS with a paradigm-shifting understanding of adolescence that challenges widely held assumptions and offers simple strategies to better understand and help youth shine.

Discover the inner workings of the teenage mind and learn what they need and deserve and what young people say they want from us. By combining the latest research on neuroscience with an unprecedented set of studies of young people ages nine through nineteen, Galinsky reveals that adolescents don’t want to separate completely from their parents. Rather, they seek a different type of relationship. They want to be helpers rather than be helped.

Galinsky’s Shared Solutions framework and Possibilities Mindset explains how to turn daily conflicts into opportunities for problem-solving where both teens and parents feel listened to. She will share how to encourage positive risk-taking in your child, like standing up for themselves and making new friends, and how to promote five essential executive function-based skills that can help kids succeed. Join us as we recast adolescence as a time of opportunity for teens and adults, offering breakthrough opportunities for connection.

Ellen Galinsky is the award-winning best-selling author of “Mind in the Making” and “The Breakthrough Years” and an authority on work-life, youth voice, child-care, and parental development. She is the president of Families and Work Institute (FWI) and the elected president of the Work and Family Researchers Network, a network of several thousand researchers globally. Galinsky also serves as senior science advisor to AASA, the School Superintendent Organization and as senior advisor to the Immediate Office of the Assistant Secretary of Youth Mental Health at the Administration for Children and Families, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. She also served as the Executive Director of the Bezos Family Foundation.

Speaker Resources

  •  2024/05/Ellen-Galinski-Breakthrough-Years.jpg
  •  2024/05/Galinsky-Mind-in-the-making.png

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