Dr. Robyn Silverman
How to Talk to Kids About Anything and Make Tough Talks Easier
Virtual Event
We know connecting deeply with our kids means being able to communicate, empathize, and answer their biggest queries, but what do you do when that tricky-to-answer question comes out of the blue?
Don’t panic! Dr. Robyn gets it. As child development specialist and mom, she’s here to guide us every step of the way!
In this book, Dr. Robyn takes you through the whole spectrum of kids’ curious questions, giving you the strategies and scripts to prepare you for life’s most challenging conversations. That way your kids get age-appropriate information straight from you, their trusted source, rather than from peers, the media, or the internet. You’ll learn how to develop calm, well-thought-out answers to tricky questions on subjects including death, sex, friendship, divorce, money and more.
Dr. Robyn J.A. Silverman is an internationally recognized speaker, author, success coach & educator on Parenting, Character Education and Body Image. She is the host of the How to Talk to Kids About Anything Parenting Podcast. She has been featured on numerous TV shows, including The Today Show and Good Morning America and has contributed to various publications such as The Washington Post and Parents Magazine. With a Ph.D. in Child and Adolescent Development, Dr. Silverman specializes in teaching social-emotional skills and character education to parents, teachers, and children. She has authored several books, including “Good Girls Don’t Get Fat” and “How to Talk to Kids About Anything.”