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Dr. John Duffy

HYBRID EVENT -- Rescuing Our Teens: 8 Solutions to Our Crisis of Disaffected Youth

HYBRID Event - On Zoom at noon and in person at Glen Ellyn Public Library and online and at 7 p.m.

In his work as a clinical psychologist Dr. John Duffy saw a profound sense of hopelessness and disconnection in our sons and daughters. To assist, he developed eight practical parenting steps for dealing with the common issues that teens face.

His most recent book, “Rescuing our Sons,” gives new perspectives and insights on your child’s teenage brain. Duffy explains adolescent behavior, and he offers methods for raising youth motivated to overcome depression and anxiety and avoid risky behaviors. Bring your family together by becoming the effective, confident parent your teen needs, and equip them with life skills to improve their present and future.

Dr. Duffy is a highly sought-after clinical psychologist, best-selling author, and a nationally-recognized expert in self-awareness, relationships, and parenting. Along with his clinical work, Dr. Duffy is the author of three number-one best-sellers: “The Available Parent,” “Parenting the New Teen in the Age of Anxiety: Raising Happy Healthy Humans,” and “Rescuing Our Sons.” He is a frequent media presence on local and national television outlets and is cited frequently in national print and online publications including the Today show, Chicago Tribune, Chicago Sun-Times, and others.

Speaker Resources

  •  2020/03/parenting-the-new-teen-dr-john-duffy.jpg
  •  2024/05/Rescuing-Our-Sons.jpg
  •  2020/03/available-parent-duffy.jpg

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