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Resilience/CompassionSkill BuildingSocial Emotional/Behavioral

Dr. Bryan Pearlman

From Struggles to Success: Foster Goal Setting, Responsibility and Compromise

Virtual Event

A record number of students come to school each day facing trauma, experiencing mental health concerns, or exhibiting challenging behaviors. Our hearts bleed for them, but empathy is not enough. We must still set the bar high and help all students to reach their potential.

Thought leader Dr. Bryan Pearlman joins us to share strategies for overcoming adversity, fostering social skills, instilling responsibility, understanding trauma history and setting goals. Through the use of real-life stories, current research and hands-on approaches, GPS participants will learn the evidence-based tools needed for school improvement, self-care, and teens’ empowerment. Together, we can change a student’s life trajectory and maybe even save a life!

Dr. Bryan Pearlman LMSW is a veteran educator/school administrator, a mental health therapist, PD leader, experienced keynote speaker and adjunct professor. He is the author of three books: “From Struggles To Successes: A Handbook For Parents And Educators,” “Maslow Before Bloom: Basic Human Needs Before Academics” and “Whatever it Takes for All Students to Succeed in School and Life.” Dr. Pearlman is also the co-founder and board member of the mental health non-profit DSMHW.org.


Speaker Resources

  •  2024/05/Whatever-It-Takes.png
  •  2024/06/Pearlman-Struggles-to-Succcesses.png
  •  2024/06/Pearlman-Maslow-Before-Bloom.jpg

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