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Past Programs

Wed May, 1 2024 @ 7-8pm CST

Judith Warner

And Then They Stopped Talking to Me: Surviving Middle School


Tue Apr, 23 2024 @ noon and 7pm CST

Robyn Silverman

And Then They Stopped Talking to Me: Surviving Middle School


Tue Apr, 16 2024 @ noon and 7pm CST

Tina Payne Bryson

Raising Kids Who Feel Safe, Seen & Secure: The Power of Showing Up


Wed Apr, 10 2024 @ noon and 7pm CST

Laurence Steinberg

You and Your “Almost” Adult Child: How to Grow Together in Challenging Times

Thu Apr, 4 2024 @ noon and 7pm CST

Lynn Lyons

Anxiety Audit: How to Help the Kids in Your Life


Thu Mar, 21 2024 @ 7pm CST

Dr. Mario Guzman

La relación padre-hijo: Equilibrar el amor y la autoridad / The Parent Child Relationship: Balancing Love and Authority

Tue Mar, 19 2024 @ noon and 7pm CST

Emily Kline

The School of Hard Talks: Motivational Interviewing for Better Conversations and Stronger Relationships

Wed Mar, 13 2024 @ noon and 7pm CST

Dr. Ty Tashiro

The Science of Why We're Socially Awkward, and Why That's Awesome!

Thu Feb, 29 2024 @ noon and 7pm CST

Dr. Lori Desautels

The Eyes Are Never Quiet: Listening Behind the Behaviors of Kids.

Tue Feb, 27 2024 @ noon and 7pm CST

Dr. Ann-Louise Lockhart

Parenting Your Young Child through Misbehavior, Meltdowns and Tantrums

Thu Feb, 22 2024 @ 7pm CST

A'ric Jackson

Motivating the Next Generation to Lead Boldly

Thu Feb, 15 2024 @ noon and 7pm CST

Dr. Sonja Lyubomirsky

The How of Happiness in All Areas: Enhancing Your Potential for Joy

Praise should not deal with personality attributes, but with EFFORT and achievements.

Carol Dweck

March 2015

Don't think of introversion or quiet as something that needs to be cured. The secret to life is to put yourself in the right lighting. For some, it's a Broadway spotlight; for others, a lamplit desk.

Susan Cain

Jan. 2024

Acts of kindness, counting your blessings and weekly gratitude acts will increase moments of happiness. If you want to make yourself happy try to make others happy first.

Dr. Sonja Lyubomirsky

Feb. 2024

The most powerful therapy is human love. Connectedness to other people (who are present, nurturing, supportive) is key to buffering today's stressors and healing from past trauma.

Bruce Perry MD

Oct. 2023

Research shows that teens with empathetic parents actually have lower levels of systemic inflammation – a biological marker of emotional stress.

Dr. Lisa Damour

Sept. 2023

We need to recognize that some behaviors reflect a SKILL weakness rather than a lack of motivation. Receiving three pieces of positive feedback for each corrective remark can produce positive change all by itself.

Dr. Richard Guare

Aug. 2023

Lectures don't work. Listen more than you talk, and give kids choice. They crave autonomy.

Dr. Ferney Ramirez

April 2024

History of Speakers

Rachel Simmons, Dr. Wendy Mogel, Amy Morin, Dr. Jonathan B. Singer, Dr. Jean Twenge, Jess Shatkin MD, Dr. Ross Greene, David Grann, Andrew Solomon, Delaney Ruston, Erika L. Sánchez, Dr. Michele Borba, Cathy Adams, Dr. Chris Willard, Julissa Arce, Nicola Yoon.